GCI Turf Lawn Care
DIY Lawn Care Supplies
GCI Turf Liquid Fertilizer View all
Spray Like a Pro!
The GCI Turf Spray Buddy is the greatest DIY sprayer ever created. There is nothing on the market that compares.
The LAST Sprayer You Ever Buy!
A 20 gallon mobile sprayer that allows DIY homeowners all the same benefits that commercial spray equipment offers.

Get Your Seed Right
Shop Grass Seed

Protene® Sustained Release fertilizer utilizes a proprietarily unique homogeneous granular technology. Sustained Release technology provides a constant nutrient input to the turf after application ensuring all essential nutrients are made available over a 90-day period.
Re Edge It
Have your mower blades professionally cleaned, sharpened, and balanced at www.reedgeit.com
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I do all things lawn care with 20 years of experience in the industry.