Pylex Herbicide - 4 Ounce
Regular price $400.00Pylex Herbicide
Pylex™ herbicide is the standard for the control of Bermudagrass and goosegrass in cool-season turf, providing unmatched performance on these difficult-to-eliminate weeds. It has also shown excellent control of nimblewill, crabgrass, clover, speedwell, and others. Pylex herbicide should always be used with a crop oil concentrate (COC) to improve herbicide coverage, resulting in improved weed control.
Pylex herbicide has shown it is safe to most cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass. It has shown varied tolerance on bentgrass (moderate to severe injury) and annual bluegrass (minimal to moderate injury) at labeled use rates. Warm-season turfgrass is sensitive to Pylex herbicide, with the exception of centipedegrass, which is tolerant.
Controlling Bermudagrass:
- 2 to 3 late-summer applications spaced three weeks apart have shown best results.
- Tank mixing Pylex herbicide with triclopyr at 2 pints per acre have provided greatest control and also significantly reduces the bleaching
- Applications should be made so that the final application is timed prior to the first frost
- Yearly maximum of 4 ounces per acre of Pylex herbicide is allowed
Weeds controlled (but not limited to) include:
Annual Grass Weeds
- Barnyardgrass
- Crabgrass, large
- Crabgrass, smooth
- Crabgrass, southern
- Cupgrass, woolly
- Foxtail, giant
- Foxtail, green
- Foxtail, yellow
- Goosegrass
- Johnsongrass, seedling
- Millet, wild proso
- Panicum, fall
- Shattercane
- Signalgrass, broadleaf
- Stiltgrass, Japanese
Perennial Grass Weeds (suppressed/controlled)
- Bentgrass, creeping
- Bermudagrass, common
- Dallisgrass
- Nimblewill
Broadleaf Weeds
- Amaranth, Palmer
- Amaranth, Powell
- Burcucumber
- Carpetweed
- Chickweed, common
- Clover, large hop
- Clover, white
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