This product is not for sale and will not be for sale in Alaska, California, Hawaii, New Mexico, and Washington.
This product is temporarily not for sale in the following states. These states requested a wording change on the label or they have not responded to our registration. Once our current stock is sold and label changes are made, this product will be for sale in these states.
New Mexico
Just like you need calcium for your bones, your turf needs calcium as well for internal strength. GCI Turf Ca 1-0-1 will improve overall nutrient availability and strengthen cell walls within the plant to help your turf fight off stress. Plants need calcium for cell wall development and growth. When pathogens attack plants with weak cell walls, a stronger cell wall structure will help combat this. I updated the formula of this mix to include both kelp and fulvic acid making it even better.
GCI Turf Ca 1-0-1 is intended to fill in the gap when a lawn care program lacks liquid calcium. So many times, calcium is left out of basic lawn care maintenance. I consider calcium to be just as important as NPK nutrients.
What makes GCI Turf Ca 1-0-1 unique is that Calcium Glucoheptonate is a fully chelated, stable, low salt index calcium source. Glucoheptonate chelates are biodegradable and naturally derived. They contain natural sugars that help products adhere to the leaves which makes these complex nutrient sources particularly effective as foliar sprays. Also, being fully chelated, calcium glucoheptonate is stable with soil phosphorous and micronutrients without causing insoluble precipitates to form preserving the availability of nutrients within the soil. Whether applying foliar or as a soil drench, calcium glucoheptonate is one of the best nutrient sources to ensure availability to the plant.
Calcium specifically has been shown to increase the visual turfgrass quality through periods of stress.
Use GCI Turf 5-0-5 in conjunction with O2-YS Natural Adjuvant and N-Ext Sea-K to create an incredibly nice mix to combat heat stress during the summer months