Prodiamine 65WG Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Prodiamine 65WG Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Regular price $19.95


Important - No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii.

Prodiamine pre-emergent in water dispersible granule formulation. This is a 5oz bottle made specifically for DIYers who want small quantities of this professionally formulated pre emergent to be mixed in water and sprayed out as a liquid.

Prodiamine is a pre-emergent used in spring and fall to stop problem grasses and weeds in lawns. It is best known as a crabgrass and poa annua pre emergent but is also stops other listed weeds including:

Barnyardgrass, Carpetweed-04, Chickweed (common), Chickweed (mousear), Crabgrass (large and smooth), Crowfootgrass, Cup grass (woolly), Foxtails (annual), Goosegrass, Henbit, Itchgrass, Johnsongrass (seedling), Junglerice, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters (common), Lovegrass, Panicum (browntop, fall and Texas), Pigweed, Purslane (common), Pusley (Florida), Rescuegrass, Shepherdspurse, Signalgrass Broadleaf, Speedwell (Persian), Sprangletop, Spurge (prostate), Witchgrass, Woodsorrel (yellow, from seed)

Do not exceed calendar year maximum for your grass type.

Yearly maximum by grass type:

Kentucky Bluegrass
.55oz or 15.6 g per calendar year

Fine Fescue
.42 oz or 11.9 g per calendar year

Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, St Augustinegrass, Tall Fescue, Zoysia
The label allows for more usage on these grass types. Calendar year limit is .83 oz/1000 yearly or 23.5 g/1000 yearly

This product should be applied via pump sprayer or battery powered hand can. NOT recommended to be applied via hose end sprayer. Always read the label and follow safety equipment recommendations.